If you have any problems installing or playing Questerium: Sinister Trinity, or have advise on playing, found a walkthorugh, interesting in game images, please post them here. Thank you.
Problems with the game giveaway Questerium: Sinister Trinity post it HERE
(11 posts) (7 voices)-
Posted 10 years ago #
I found a problem a little while ago that may be related to windowed mode. I did post in the game discussion but it's still waiting for moderation at this time.
When doing the fire hydrant puzzle, the game would suddenly hang. As I tried to click to move a piece, nothing happened. I had to shut the game down. I started up again and 2 or 3 moves later, it hung again. When I restarted again, I switched to full-screen mode and then completed the puzzle (and got my achievement for completing my first puzzle). I have not hung since then and I've done several HOG scenes since then and even bought a pedestal for my "garden".
I don't know for sure if it's a windowed problem or not. It may be a high DPI problem. I did not set the flag to ignore high DPI scaling.
I am playing with fonts 150% on a Windows 7 64 bit machine. I have a 23" monitor and if I don't use the high DPI, the text for the menus is too small to see!
Posted 10 years ago # -
If it works full screen but not windowed it's usually a vid driver issue, possibly just settings, or a DX problem (from Vista on some older DX files were left out, there is a Micro$oft patch for this but it must be downloaded and installed manually).
I've never known increasing font size to cause hangs or lock-ups, but it can cause odd graphic issues in some software, such as text not aligning with checkboxes. (I have a 23" monitor and 60 year old eyes, not always compatible.)
Posted 10 years ago # -
I've seen all sorts of issues with the font and the mouse and the size of the screen. The variations have been so wide that normally the first thing I try when something doesn't work is to set that option in the properties (either the shortcut or the main program).
In this case, the first thing I noted was that the mouse froze. A mouse issue (sometimes no mouse at all) is an indication of this problem.
I'll try turning on the setting and then putting it back windowed and see what happens.
Note -- I tried setting the property to ignore High DPI. Several things happened -- First, in full screen mode -- I got a mouse cursor and a black screen and could not get to the main menu. I could see nothing. Then I turned it back off and went into the game to put it in windowed mode and then out to reset the flag. That did seem to at least get me to the menu but the window was too small. Result -- turn OFF the flag and stay full screen!
There are some screwy things with the graphics.
I should also note that I have found one HOG (Murder, She Wrote 2) that flat refuses to work if you have high DPI. even if you set the flag to ignore the scaling, it refuses t work because you even have high DPI! It's not an unknown issue!
Posted 10 years ago # -
Here are a couple of things I noticed. Not really issues to playing the game but would have made the playing more enjoyable if they truly are issues.
1. Music skipped at times and was scratchy. I know a lot of people at BigFish will say that the music was on a short loop which I hardly ever notice but "bad vinyl syndrome" I notice because I have a lot of scratched vinyl.
2. After playing for a long time and then exiting the game, it took a long time for the game to actually end. I'm thinking that maybe the game progress is not saved until exiting which is a scary thought. I hate games that do that just in case my PC crashes and then I have to go back and do a lot of stuff all over again. If that's the case, I hope the next game does auto-saves within the game.
All in all, an EXCELLENT GAME in my book! A lot of thought, planning and attention to detail went into this game and it shows! I think we are extremely lucky that URSE games was willing to give this game away! I loved everything about it including story, graphics, ingenious puzzles (even though I skipped a lot), finding flowers & money, upgrading the garden, achievements, interactive HOS, excellent interactive map and even some of the hokey live-action cut scenes. Looking forward to another Questerium game! :D
Posted 10 years ago # -
Thanks for posting guys (and gals)
Posted 10 years ago # -
I am having trouble in the second room. I can't pick up the record. The cursor changes to a magnifying glass but nothing happens when I click it. Anyone?
Posted 10 years ago # -
Anyone found a SAFE walkthrough for this? There's one written one, all in German, which I don't speak, a YouTube video series that started (1 and 2) but never continued, and one series on YouTube that while it looks extensive, is Russian and setting off all kinds of alarms on my security software, so I'm nervous about viewing them. I've gotten about as far as I can go and I'm stuck :).
Posted 10 years ago # -
Hecate -- try running that German links through Google Translate -- it will translate entire pages. That may be the way to go.
Let's see if I end up in caught in the spam filter -- Here's the google-translated page for that walkthrough (in English): https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamesetter.com%2Fgames%2FQ%2FQuesterium_sinister_trinity%2FQuesterium_sinister_trinity_walkthrough.php&edit-text=&act=url
Posted 10 years ago # -
Thanks, Dragonlair, I'd thought of that but it seemed like it would be a long process; I didn't think the "whole page" approach would work since the sections are collapsed. But clicking on your link, it seems like it's going to work! I REALLY appreciate your hard work! Can't wait to get back to the game now!
Posted 10 years ago # -
it ain't easy, and I had to use Chrome to get a full translation- but maybe this will get my wife off my back about it!
if so, it's sooo worth it!
Posted 10 years ago #
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