I have just finally finished this game - yes, it took that long - and I enjoyed every minute of it and highly recommend it if you like this kind of game. Basically you get more and more tiles though what felt like a hundred rounds (not really) and there are reward tiles that when taken, remove all 'like' tiles! A really great feature when the tiles go over 500 onboard! There's several find the item puzzles as well.
The only criticism is the ending; it just ends, no reward, no special scene. I thought I had earned more! :)
Totally recommend this game as a must-have if you play mahjong!
Thanks gamegiveaway!
Alice's Magical Mahjong -it truly was!
(3 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 10 years ago #
Thanks for the info, promytius1. Though I'm not a fan of mahjong, anymore, there are plenty of others who are, and will appreciate the info if/when considering getting/playing that game. :)
Posted 10 years ago # -
thanks for the update. I've always found the beauty of most mahjong games is that you can replay them over and over with different putcomes each time you play them. some of the ones I have do change configuration every time you play them; others keep the same confifuration, but even with these, if you pick different pairs at the start, the game goes differently. I just wish there were more four player mahjong games. It's a beautiful game that I discovered back in the 1970's when a group of my friends who used to play dungeons and dragons every weekend deiced to start playing other games as a break from D&D (only during out lunch breaks - we used to start playing D&D on a Saturday afternoon and would play through till sunday morning). We started to play board games just to break up the sessions and eventually stumbled onto Mahjong. I've still got my bamboo backed mahjong set from then. Not played it in many years though. I do have a digital version called Hong Kong Mahjong, which played quite well.
Posted 10 years ago #
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