Here are some Emicon’s that work on the GAotD comments section. I'd avoided trying them for so long because of the inability to be able to edit you comments, but decided to try one the other day (8O shocked) and was surprised to see it worked. I hope I haven't repeated a previous thread on this as I've not been in much of a mood for browsing recently. (pre Christmas stress, trying to get everying soerted for the kids, who as usual always seem so ungrateful for everything you do for them.
I’ve indicated which ones I’ve already tested by placing a YES by the side of it, those without a yes attached will probably work, but I couldn’t swear to it yet as I've not had cause to use them yet They will not work on these forums though (as you can see):
I may just post them all in a row to see what happens, lol
:oops: red face………………………………………… yes
:) = Smile ………………………………………………… yes
:( = Sad …………………………………………………… yes
;) = wink ………………………………………………… yes
:roll: = roll eyes
:?: = question mark ………………………………yes
:idea: ………………………………………………………yes
:twisted: = twisted evil
:evil: = mad or evil
:P = razz
:!: = !
8O = shocked………………………………………… yes
:? = confused
:arrow: = arrow
:cry: = very sad
:o = surprised
8) = cool……………………………………………………yes
:x = mad
:D = big smile …………………………………………yes
:lol: = laughing ………………………………………yes
:| = neutral