Well, the latest Steam summer sale is almost over. Only three days to go. so far i've found it very disappointing. Only one game on my wish list has come up on the 24/48hr sales, my team on average has done the worst of the five teams (blue team, and none of the development software has been included in the main sales. :(
Steam Sale Ends Monday 30th
(7 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 10 years ago #
I too have been disappointed. Items I want have relatively low discounts and high prices by today's standards. Steam is big enough they can get away with this and I fear we will see more of the same in the future. Fortunately, I have a long backlog list so will wait until games I want are more steeply discounted. By then, I may have forgotten or lost interest in some of them, but other new games will be available. This time around GOG has gotten more of my money.
Posted 10 years ago # -
GOG got quite a lot of my money too and I still have a few games in my cart for the last day of the sale, maybe there will be a nice surprise.
Though I think the GOG users can be quite happy with 4 freebies - I got them all. That is more than Steam or other shops ever gave away (as far as I know).
I'm rather annoyed about Steam's "badges". Usually I give them my friend because I don't collect the cards. But now I'm not allowed to "trade" because I had to reinstall the client and all the games due to a drive failure.
Now Steam thinks I'm a new user and doesn't allow trading for 15 days though I don't want to "trade" I just want to "gift".
Nevertheless I bought 1 game from them: Skyrim for € 3.74.
That will be all this time.graylox
Posted 10 years ago # -
Yes, that was really generous of GOG. :)
Posted 10 years ago # -
GOG is just recycling the same games now.
Posted 10 years ago # -
A big encore is expected for tomorrow and more flash games.
Posted 10 years ago # -
That's what Steam have been doing for some time now (i.e recycling the same old games on sale). Hardly any of the more recent games were on and decent discounts compared to last year and the previous year. I only found four games on my wish list in the flash sales and the main 24/48 hr sale throughout the whole of the 11 days of the sale. though i still spent well over £500 on games; most of which were new releases or pre orders such as Dead Rising 3 (which was the only game in the 24/48 hr sale that I managed to get)
Posted 10 years ago #
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