I don't know if this is US only or internationally available... visit Corel.com & click on Today's offers [ http://www.corel.com/corel/specialOffers.jsp ]. I see the Ultimate version, full for $40 & upgrade for $30, and the regular version is priced at $30 for full & upgrade. There are 4 banner ads -- one [#3] shows a $20 Corel gift card thrown in. If you search on-line you should find coupon codes for Corel -- I found 1 for 10% off, & 2 for 20% off. Assuming I use the $20 coupon [gift card] the ultimate upgrade will have cost me a bit less than $4!
Great deal on Paintshop Pro X5
(4 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
Thanks, Mikiem2.
For those who are interested...
Till the end of December 2012, Magix Xtreme Photo Graphic Designer 5 (374 Mb) is available for free from V3.co.UK.Download page:
http://store.v3.co.uk/p28653-magix_xtreme_photo__graphic_designer_5Magix Xtreme Photo Graphic Designer 5
Posted 12 years ago # -
Thanks Idunno, will check it out. d
Do watch out for toolbar and browser changes. These can be avoided by uncecking the tick boxes.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Once upon a time Xara had a really interesting graphics app sold through or by Corel -- it combined vector & raster graphics & might have really caught on but for PCs getting more powerful while bigger hard drives got cheaper... that meant you didn't have to use vector graphics unless you really wanted to. CorelDraw! took a hit in popularity about the same time, for the same reason, & a new competitor from the Mac world, Deneba Canvas, never hit it's potential either. Another casualty was Macromedia's [Fauve] Xres, which let you work on a low rez proxy image file, then apply the same editing to the full high rex image. WR might remember Satori (out of the UK) which had some similar tricks, but went by the wayside too.
[Vector graphics are the directions to draw whatever, while a raster image is the actual pixels that make up the total picture. Till the mid 90s you couldn't easily manipulate a large raster image, nor store nor transport it without difficulty, whereas vector graphics are these very small files that can be any resolution you like -- the same graphic can fill a postage stamp or the side of a bus depending on the size & resolution you set when printing.]
At any rate MAGIX bought Xara & one of the results is the older v. 5 of Xtreme Photo & Graphic Designer kindly linked by Idunnobutiwastold. It's a nice app that may be worth it for the vector graphics part even if you already have enough image editing software. Installation does have a higher impact on Windows if that sort of thing bothers you, & because it's an older program hit up Microsoft Update immediately afterwards because you'll likely need 3 or so hotfixes.
Posted 12 years ago #
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