Plants vs. Zombies™ Game of the Year Edition
Free Until May 28 2014 at Origin
Plants vs. Zombies™ Game of the Year Edition
Free Until May 28 2014 at Origin
Well... not tremendously impressed so far. I expect if you deal with more hard core games, the ones that can max out hardware, you should know what you're doing when it comes to writing code -- casual games like those that appear on GOTD weekends get a pass, since they're hardly state-of-the-art... they don't need to be.
EA couldn't be bothered to use a later version of Visual Studio or include the needed Microsoft C++ runtimes in their program folder, so we get old style execution of old code that immediately needs a hotfix applied. I don't think kindly of Chinese companies that pull this stunt -- for EA to me it's unforgivable. Their reputation as far as I'm concerned took another hit when they couldn't manage a simple e-mail domain on the order of 1st time I've ever encountered a problem in over a decade using an address provided by our cable provider/ISP.
At any rate, accomplished what I set out to do -- set up an acct in case they give away something my wife wants in the future. At the moment though can't see ever buying anything from Origin. My wife built up a collection of games over years from Real Arcade, only to have Real Arcade fold so now the games are stuck in Vista. These strike me as more of a gamble because the game won't run without the client signing in. If Origin doesn't feel confident enough to invest in client software that's up to date, uses open source code to cut costs, then adds DRM so a client sign-in is required, they'll have to forgive me if I'm not confident they'll be around in the next year or 3.
In a win7 HP 32 bit V/Box VM.
Origin Client
The installation performed the following activity:
245 files added
55 files deleted
49 files updated
765 registry entries added
1469 registry entries deleted
16 registry entries updated
Installed 5/8/2014 6:38:06 PM
Current Offer: Plants vs. Zombies.
The installation performed the following activity:
1009 files added
85 files deleted
89 files updated
1094 registry entries added
114169 registry entries deleted
98 registry entries updated
Installed 5/8/2014 7:06:42 PM
Last chance to get Plants & Zombies free...... ends Wednesday 28th May
Probably good that I missed. Find the game immensely addicting. :)
They held it over a couple of days. Not sure if it's now done though?
Yes, I checked it out and it was still valid last night.
Did you get it? It's well worth it. One of the best 'casual' tower defense games I've ever played. There's a first person version coming out very soon. Can't wait to check it out. :)
Yes, I caved and did get it. I'd tried it in a browser once and found it just challenging enough to be fun, not stress inducing, nor too easy.
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