- Ubiktune Bundle: 7 Chiptune Albums for $1!
The Ubiktune Bundle: Pilot, offers several great chiptune and video game music inspired albums for only $1.
- You'll get the following included in the bundle:
■Danimal Cannon's ROOTS
■Shnabubula's GAME GENIE
■subPixel's THE WAVE
■coda's TRACER
■Maxo's FAKEBIT 2010
■and Yoann Turpin's RHYTHM'N'BITS
Buy the Ubiktune Bundle HERE for $1
PLUS! ..... here's the FREE STUFF!
Virt’s Double Dragon Neon is everything you loved about retro video game music, with more of that classical virt punch. Don’t miss it!Danny Baranowsky’s Canabalt Soundtrack changed the game for mobile game soundtracks, earning a well deserved “PLAY WITH HEADPHONES” disclaimer when the wildly successful game launched. Just listen to it, and you’ll know why. (His Gravity Hook HD soundtrack is killer, too)
Zen Albatross’ Masada Gestalt is a chiptune single that will blow your mind. It reminds me a lot of the soundscape employed in the NES Maniac Mansion. I always enjoy seeing him perform at MAGFest, as well (WE WILL BE AT MAGFEST! Come say hello!)
Chiptunes = WIN \m||m/ is a 51 (FIFTY-ONE) track compilation of some the best chiptune artists active right now (Chipzel, Crashfaster, Danimal Cannon, this list goes on forever). Jump on this great collection ASAP!
ii Music has a huge catalogue of (mostly) free albums and soundtracks. They’re all great, so allocate a few hours to picking up these albums curated by Disasterpeace and Phlogiston.
Reference accessed HERE Sept 22nd 2012