Just in case you haven't noticed the loyalty bonuses you can get by purchasing specific numbers of bundles when you next visit your Indie Royale page click on the collection link that's located at the top right of the page. This takes you to a page showing all of the collections you have purchased. If you've used different emails to purchase the bundles you can still include those bundles by locating the unlock code for each of the bundles you've purchased. These can then be activate on the collections page. The following rewards are earned depending on the number of bundles you've purchased since it's inception last December.
- 5 Bundles: Chiptopia album
10 Bundles: Super Space Rubbish + OST
15 Bundles: Fireball
20 Bundles: Corril Slayer
25 Bundles: ?
So far we've had 21 including the latest one; the next game/music will be unlocked when we reach 25 that is the next one after the Halloween bundle. To download the bonus items you just have to click on the highlighted icon