Complete Bundle List
Wow, so many bundles.
You probably heard about the most prominent ones like The Humble Bundle,
but there are a lot of small bundles that fly under the radar, and that’s why this list is here.
Whiterabbit, I have to run,won't be around for awhile.
list website
The Complete List of Indie Bundles:
Humble Bundle
Indie Royale
Indie Gala
Groupees Be Mine
Groupees Build a Bundle
Indie Game Music Bundle
Indie Face Kick
Indie Games Pack
Little Big Bunch
5 for $5 Bundle
The Indie Bundle
Indie Fort Bundle
Indie Underdog Pack
Indie Buskers
Bundle in a Box
Recession Bundle
Reddit GameDev Bundle
We don’t count one-time bundles that show up on Steam sometimes, like EA “indie” bundle (barf).
If you want to know which bundles are active now, go to our “Active Bundles” page.
Well, that’s the complete list so far. If you notice we’re missing some bundles, or if you’re a bundle developer and your bundle is not on the list,
contact us at igbundles (at) or at our Facebook page.