Ubisoft are having four day sale with different titles coming up each day. The following are amazing deals. Each day there is a £1 ($1.50) deal with four fantastic games. An arcade flight simulation called Tom Clancy's Hawx 2 today, tomorrow you get the excellent God game Dust. change the land to enable your tribes to survive. Excellent graphics and good gameplay make this one of the better Indie titles of last year. (IMO) On Saturday there's the brilliant submarine sim Silent Hunter 5. It's the first time in the Silent Hunter series that you can actually walk through your submarine; in previous titles it was point & click, plus the graphics are amazing. You can play the game as an arcade sub game or as a real simulation. Also the subsim community have released countless mods for the game to extent the Atlantic theatre of war to other parts of the world as well as graphical textures and loads of new missions. For £1 ($1.50) , this is really a giveaway. Sundays £1 ($1.50) deal is the excellent driving sim called Driver San Francisco Deluxe. It didn't make much of an impact on the scene when it was released which I think was a great shame. It's an open world driving game with you as a police officer. There are some cool effects such as being able to switch cars just by clicking on them in a special mode. You are then magically transported to the car you chose. The game is mission based. again, for £1 ($1.50) it's a steal.
Then there are the 75% deals. I've got every one of these games on Steam apart from tintin and I've got that on disc. all the games are great titles and the most you are going to pay are for the latest Assassins Creed title , but at only £7.50 your still only paying the price of an arcade game for a AAA title that's superb. Some of the other 75% off titles are almost as cheap as the £1 deals at only £2.50.
These deal change each day, so don't miss out simply because you forgot to visit each day. The images are related to the £1 ($1.50) deals. Check out the area you can explore in Driver San Fransisco.
Hawx 2 £1 (this is a fantastic arcade battle flight sim)
Tintin 75%off (Roughly £2.50)
Anno 2070 60% off (Roughly £13.99)
From Dust £1 (superb God game)
Assassins Creed series 75% off (sale excludes ACIII.... Rough prices Brotherhood £5, Revelations £7.50, ACII Deluxe £3.75)
Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands 75% off (Roughly £2.50)
Silent Hunter 5 £1
Shaun White Skateboarding 75% off (Roughly £2.50)
Might & Magic Heroes VI 70% off (Roughly £9)
Might & Magic Heroes DLC Pirates of Savage Sea 25% off (roughly £6)
Driver San Francisco Deluxe £1
Settles 7 Paths to a kingdom deluxe 75% off (Roughly £6.25)
Splinter Cell Conviction Deluxe 75% off (Roughly £3.25)