Morpheus Photo Morpher is NOT a true GOTD.
1) This version is already available all over the ‘net.
I checked out three different downloads and they all look and work exactly like this one. You even get the bogus “activation code”. NOT A TRUE GOTD! This is a SHAREWARE VERSION.
2) It is terrible that this package also includes spyware/adware in violation of GOTD policies (hiding it as opt out is just mean-spirited and evil and even if they try to hide behind the opt out smoke-screen, that is just deception and another layer of evil).
3) It does not do most of what the GOTD description says.
I hope that more visitors demand that this be updated to completely fit the description and remove ALL spyware/adware, OR REMOVE IT ENTIRELY.
This version is a waste of time as the animation it produces is right next to useless. In fact, the move to useless is a mere pixel shift morph away.