It’s the thing to do, now, isn’t it? Make a bundle?
Well, last month I realised that I’ve been making games for 4 years. That’s a staggering 1460 days and probably an even more frightening number of hours (I daren’t check).
Anyway, I got to thinking about releasing a bundle of my own. But not a chargeable bundle, a FREE bundle. I make games for the joy of making games (although ID, if by some happenstance you read this – need any level designers?) If you really want to spend some money, give it to a charity instead. Seriously.
Anyway, enough preamble. The DoggyBag comprises a vast 27 games, covering a whole bunch of genres. In the bundle you will find platformers, text-adventures, puzzle games, arena shooters and action RPGs represented, and more besides. I’ve also added a few little notes here and there, and for some of these games this is the first time they’ve received a proper release.
Anyway, if this sounds like the kind of thing you’d enjoy, you can grab it here. You can also grab it here if the other link isn’t working. Cheers to Rob Fearon of OW: Videogames for agreeing to host the mirror.
I hope you enjoy and THANK YOU to everyone who’s supported Terrier Games/Vacillating Dichotomy over the last 4 years.
The following link is a review on rockpapershotgun which might be offensive so I won't post it here.