Does anyone know if this site is legitimate?
It's supposed to be to make sure you don't have the virus that's supposed to attack on 7/8.
Does anyone know if this site is legitimate?
It's supposed to be to make sure you don't have the virus that's supposed to attack on 7/8.
They seem to be on the good site:
You could call your friendly FBI agents for help instead:
graylox is the second site in the process.
The only problem is that the site that tells you your computer is clean has the disclaimer that if you had been infected, you might be redirected to this site, so what good is it?
The injunction that allowed the "correction" to work expires in a few days. Also, later in that site is a note of several ISPs. They can tell if a computer is being re-directed and is being helped by this correction. According to my local news and this site, Comcast, for example, has been pro-actively sending emails to customers who have been noted to being re-directed by this virus.
While there are several apps you can run to scan your PC/laptop for malware, including many that run from the sites of the AV software companies that provide these sorts of apps, IMO the best way to do a complete SV scan is booting to a CD/USB stick etc., so your system's hard drive(s) are not involved in the boot process whatsoever. That's because malware can infect the 1st hard drive track, making malware files invisible for all intents.
As far as scanning for just one problem, don't -- a Lot of malware opens the door for other exploits, so you really don't know if the particular malware you're searching for is the only, or even biggest problem.
You might want to check out tdskiller & the Emsisoft Emergency Kit but there are Lots & lots of alternatives.
Comcast, for example, has been pro-actively sending emails to customers who have been noted to being re-directed by this virus.
IMO the FBI totally botched the whole affair... they had someone else take the place of the rogue servers etc. so no one would immediately suffer, so right then & there they could have stuck up a banner or some sort of notice to ALL traffic going through them. The company supplying the service never made this suggestion from what I've read, until it became clear they wouldn't be getting paid any longer. FWIW most anything I've read/seen in the regular news about this mess was just the typical stick a doomsday headline on something to fill in for a lack of hard news.
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