Freeware Game Pick: The Sun Sets On Me (Promethea Studios)
July 2, 2012 5:00 AM | Konstantinos Dimopoulos / Gnome
thesunsetsonme.pngThe Sun Sets On Me is, quite unashamedly, an interactive story directly inspired from Dear Esther. It's a story that lets players enter the oddly robotic shoes of a young man who may or may not be responsible for the death of his wife. An interesting and excellently narrated story built on the Unreal 3 engine sporting some rather beautiful and atmospheric locations.
Sadly, interesting though said story might be, the game is obviously not quite ready yet. In my short playthrough I spotted a number of immersion breaking problems, just like the main character's robotic shoes I mentioned above. Or the fact that a FPS UI is still to be seen. Or those invisible walls. And the irritating thumping sound you'll have to endure while walking. Oh, and the installer isn't the best one around, but, well, if you feel like experiencing a good story I do suppose you should give it a try.
The Sun Sets On Me is only available for Windows PCs.
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