A Flipping Good Time is a fast-paced free-flowing 2D platformer. Flip and fly through an expansive underground world using the fluid nature of gravity to avoid the hazardous terrain. With challenging obstacles, exhilarating mine cart rides, an immersive environment, rewarding collectibles, and entertaining levels with unlockable bonus levels, A Flipping Good Time is just that: a flipping good time.
The game is a student project from DigiPen Institute of Technology developed by Mike's Plumbing and Tile: Media Arts Division. The team is composed of three programmers, two game designers, one full time artist, and one musician. We developed the game over two semesters for our sophomore project class, and was recognized by PAX10 and The Extra Credits Innovation Awards.
I came across this game after reading an article below about a new game similar to the above that will be out later.
What Are The Odds: Man VS The World
By Adam Smith on June 28th, 2012 at 3:00 pm.
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It's essentially Brock Samson: The Game
The team of students at DigiPen who made spike-dodging, gravity-switching charmer A Flipping Good Time have another game on the way. Man VS The World places you in the muscular shoes of Man Lee Gunns, who then places himself into the metallic muscles of a fighter plane and shoots at everything else that exists. The world has declared war on him, you see, so he’s left with no choice. It looks like the sort of game that fills the screen with bullets and my stomach with knots of tension, but then Mr Gunns starts leaping from one plane to another even as they arrive on screen in formation, and then he starts clambering about as if he’s in a platform game, in the sky, surrounded by bullets. Trailed below.
Out next month and looking suitably intense.
Article and trailer