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Task automation software
(19 posts) (11 voices)-
Posted 18 years ago #
It's awesome stuff. I use this sort of software to backup - much better than doing it manually. :)
Posted 18 years ago # -
This looks very powerful! Thanks a bunch!
Posted 18 years ago # -
Even after running activate.exe that says successfully activated, running robotask again still shows it is an evaluation version. Is it scam to take info from our PC?
Posted 18 years ago # -
Downloaded & installed without any problems. (Run set-up ~ Close program ~ Run activate.exe )
My complements to GOTD for the variety and quality of programs offered. Many, if not most, I wasn't aware of. I look forward to each days' offering !Posted 18 years ago # -
re: bob001 - I had the same problem. Then I realized that even if I hit the close button on the window and it went away, the tray icon was still there. Right click on the tray icon to fully close the window, then run the Activate and re-launch the program. Hope it works for you, it did for me!
Posted 18 years ago # -
Robotask 101
I'm trying to get Ad-Aware to start. I can get the program to open but need some assistance on how to get get Robotask to click on the Start button. Actually I figured out the mouse click, but I can't get Robo to recognize or highlight the Start button. Any suggestions for what must be a rather basic task.
Thanks!Posted 18 years ago # -
I got Robotask to open the Start Menu by using keystrokes instead of the mouse. Pressing Ctrl+Esc will open the start menu. Add a Send Keystrokes action, then in the Keys text box put ^{ESCAPE}
That should open the start menu for you.
Alternatively, you can open Ad-Aware by simply using the Run Program action in the General section. That should be a much simpler script.
Posted 18 years ago # -
My earlier post was not very clear - I can get the program to open (main window appears) but can not get to the next step. Manually, I would normally push the "Start" button (not Windows Start, Ad-Aware Start) but I can't figure out how to tell Robotask to push the "Start" button.
Thanks again. Happy New Year!Posted 18 years ago # -
Oops, my mistake.
I've gotten Ad-Aware to run and automatically start scanning. Here's how I did it.
1. Have it run Ad-Aware
2. Add a delay. It takes Ad-aware about 7 seconds to start up (for me) so I had mine delay about that long.
3. Have it press Tab five times, and space once. ( {TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB} ) Make sure you get the space at the end.
4. Add another delay to let it load the scanning window. I have it delayed for one second
5. Have it press space once.Once this is done, everything should work out. Here's a screenshot of the script.
Posted 18 years ago # -
DanW - Worked first time. Thanks!!!!
I didn't realize the space key worked as a left click.Posted 18 years ago # -
I am impressed. It did work the first time!!
Looking forward to more great examples of how to use this program.
;)Posted 18 years ago # -
It looks like an excellent programm... however I need some help to configure Gmail in it. A screenprint would be very nice and helpfull! thnx
Posted 18 years ago # -
"however I need some help to configure Gmail in it."
What are you trying to configure? I need more details to help you.
Posted 18 years ago # -
Ok I am having problems activating the software, No it is not running is system tray, I am a IT Professional with experience in Software installing at a professional level for 10 plus years, current webmaster, former Sys Admin so I know how to install and activate before anyone comes up with the simple have you tried closing program etc... When I activate it a dialog box says:
Activation module failed to connect to giveawayoftheday.com software activation is no possible at the moment. Please try later or check your firewall settings.
Tried multiple installs, firewall off, uninstall, redownload from mirror, reboot reinstall, every attempt brings same results, been using GOTD for several weeks now and this is first problem and naturally one of the most useful peieces of software for my job. any advice please post before its to late to try to activate.Posted 18 years ago # -
@DanW I don't know the command or script to open the browser (IE6) with Gmail
Posted 18 years ago # -
If Internet Explorer is your default browser then simply use the Run Program or Document action and run http://mail.google.com
Screenshot: http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/980/ie1rw6.jpg
If you have a different default browser, but want to open it in Internet Explorer, there's a similar method.
Use the Run Program or Document action to run Internet Explorer (usually at C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe) and run with the paramater http://mail.google.com
Screenshot: http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/1764/ie2ww2.jpg
Posted 18 years ago # -
After playing the flashdemo, downloading and reading the guide, my conclusion is this is really a GREAT program!
Only it takes some time to create your own tasks but after that and it will work... WOW!!
@DanW Thank you for your help with scrnshot2Posted 18 years ago # -
The best software giveaway item ever!
It's great
Posted 18 years ago #
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