Love GAOTD, but it seems to be operated out of the UK (or elsewhere in Europe).
So when its moderator - a proper English gentleman - heads home (or to the pub) in the evening for a well-earned pint, new comments from your fans in the US take a long time to be moderated and appear.
Suggestion: GAOTD should find a second moderator in the US who can take over at 6pm London time and then react more quickly to new comments.
Thanks, and Hail Britannia!
glnz, New York
GAOTD needs a second moderator in the US
(7 posts) (5 voices)-
Posted 11 years ago #
If you are referring to the comments section of the giveawayoftheday, then I can say that the two moderators that I know of that moderate the comments section, one is Russian based and the other Australian. I know of no UK based moderator moderating the comments section. ##
With respect to these forum's I'm sure there are more than one US moderator for these forums. Some I've not seen in a while, others such as Wizzard of Oz have recently returned. As far as I know I'm the only UK based moderator/administrator on these forums. Graylox is Germany based and BuBBy (who also moderates the comments section of the giveaways) is Australia based.
It may be useful to find out how many moderators are still active, both here and over in the giveaway section. Three years ago we had a large number of moderators, but I've not seen many of those around recently.
Even I don't moderate all day like I used to, but that's partly because I'm still in flux with my new home.
I check these forums regularly from around 8am GMT (that's midnight Pacific Time or 3am Eastern Time) and am often still checking at 3 or 4am the following day (that's 8pm Pacific time or 11pm Eastern time); I don't have access to the giveaway comments section but do moderate the game giveaway section.
All comments posted in these forums are seen as soon as they are posted. It's then up to moderators/administrators to moderate the comments after they have been posted. This is different to the comments section on the giveaway and game giveaway page where comments must be moderated before being visible to all.
I've previously volunteered to help with the main sites comments and asked for help with the game giveaway comments section. I did have a volunteer from Canada who was happy to fill in when I wasn't available (and did help me when I was ill a couple of times after I gave him my log in details as I trusted him, but the owners of the site said that they didn't want too many moderators due to the (implied) possibility of sabotage on the admin panel.
If you are posting a request for urgent help in the comments section I'd also consider posting them here in the forums as well because you may get a reply here before the giveaway section.
Posted 11 years ago # -
Dear Whiterabbit - thanks, and impressive.
FYI - my comments on the daily GAOTD are NOT posted right away - they are always awaiting moderation. Thus my post above.Posted 11 years ago # -
WhiteRabbits' comments about posts appearing immediately referred to these forums.
All comments posted in these forums are seen as soon as they are posted.
If you have an urgent question that needs attention you can have it appear immediately by posting in these forums. Often the comments on the front page are moderated in batches - most frequently at the start of a giveaway when the traffic is highest, then as needed throughout the day.
Posted 11 years ago # -
I'm still around everyone lol :)
Posted 11 years ago # -
I'm still here, as well. I help moderate the forums, only; not the 2 giveaway pages/sites :D
Ros, in the USA
Posted 10 years ago # -
I knew you were still around Sue (hope you don't mind me using your first name?), though i'd not seen you around in a while Chip; but I understand you were completing your uni education over the last couple of years, so it's understandable why you've not had time to help out as much as you used to; (b.t.w. folks, Chip designed the Steam giveawayoftheday group logo)
Posted 10 years ago #
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