Holyspirit (zipped installer =9.6MB expands to 319MB once intalled & updated)
An old law has always required the Good and Evil have at least one rule in their eternal conflict. They could not directly intervene in the affairs of living entities, acting only by the subtle suggestion and battling within each soul... Egoism, violence, pity and love clashed in the form of thoughts, of dreams, with varied fates.
But one day Evil, which no longer wanted to support the balance, satisfied with the Good, decided to violate the far RESPECTED rule and achieved this in incarnating directly into most living beings vulnerable to his impulses, and, curiously, in some objects. Henceforth Evil began to reign on each of ordinary objects which he took to possession and some become demonic.
Having anticipated this treachery, the Good was not surprised. Renouncing to violate The Law as Evil had done and refusing to sacrifice the good and generous souls, he used a few storms and damned spirits who wanted to redeem themself... considering themself already lost, alone unconsciousness would have to beat the legion that has swept across the world....
The game:
Holyspirit is a 2D isometric hack'n'slash game. A hack'n'Slash is an action role playing game, like Diablo. You play a Holyspirit, which is an old corrupted soul who has been enlisted in God's army. You must liberate the country from the evil who has been unleashed against the living ones. The game is developed in C++, with the SFML. Official demo announced for 2011.
Holyspirit is also open-source, here's its SourceForge page: Sourceforge.net
Note: Desura version of Holyspirit is an auto-updating alpha. After downloading it, you will still need to download additional data through the game launcher.
4 playables characters ! (2 for this time) / 4 classes jouables ! (2 pour le moment)
Minimum 1 hour per character / Minimum 1 heure de jeu par classe !
61 Items / 61 objets !
More than 20 monsters / Plus d'une vingtaine de monstres !
Craft your items and your golem pet / Fabriquez vos objets et votre compagnon golem !
In response to a question in the comments section one of the developers answered
so it's only cooperative (like in the last video we posted two days ago). The multiplayer mod goes by direct ip (like Diablo II) so you can play by LAN or by Internet (with Hamachi).When the demo and the multiplayer will be completed, we will start working on a multiplayer chat/groupmaking room to find server.
Once you've downloaded the installer and unpacked it click on the Launcher holy spirit. This opens a small launcher window. The Play Game button is greyed out till you've clicked on the button below it that installs the actual game. There is a massage saying that the game is still in beta. (the message was dated 14th Nov 2010. I'm not sure whether the game downloaded from their new website is the full version or an incomplete game, but t's still well woth downloading especially if you like zombie oriented games. :)
You can get Holyspirit via the Desura client HERE you can also download the game independently of Desura via the developers website HERE. The site appears in French initially, but you can change the web page to english if you don't read French. One community member is working on a patch for a German edition at the moment (7th June 20012) There's also a download link on the sourceforge website HERE.. And the game has another site HERE
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