A number of indies have joined forces for a Because We May Sale, which celebrates portals that allow indies to control their own pricing.
Among the games we follow that are participating, you can get great deals on:
Frayed Knights - $9.95 (normally $24.95)
Telepath: Servants of God - 40% off
Avadon for $5
Dungeons of Dredmor and DLC - 50% off
IndieRPGs.com has a list of all the RPGs in the sale, which inclues others such as Cthulhu Saves the World, Dark Scavenger and more. Sale ends June 1st.
via rpgwatch
We believe that developers should have the freedom to price their games how they like, without interference from the online stores that sell the games. Why? Because it allows us to promote our games more freely, as we are doing here! We rely on the ability to promote our games for our livelihood and control over pricing is an important tool for this purpose.
For the last week of May (May 24 through June 1) our games will be deeply discounted to celebrate online stores that give us control over pricing: The App Store, Google Play, Steam, Desura, IndieVania, and a few others.
For a list of participating games in each store, choose one of the following:
Direct from Developer
iOS App StoreMac App Store
Google PlaySteamOther Stores
If you are a developer and would like to endorse this message by discounting your game between May 24 and June 1, click here to add your game to this promotion (it will appear in the lists linked to above):
Registration will stay open during the sale.
Blurb from the website
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