If you need help with a game related issue regarding Aveyond: Lord of Twilight or just to post suggestions please post in this thread. Thank you.
Aveyond: Lord of Twilight - Problems, suggestions or just general comments
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
I'm a casual gamer and this is my first RPG. I was three-quarters certain that I wasn't going to get it, until I read Whiterabbit's review....and even then it was about 50/50 on whether or not I was going to like it. But I really do like playing it :) I never thought that I'd have so much fun killing rats and taking cheese off their dead bodies -- that is after the first eww yuck.
I have a couple of questions.
How many save slots are there ? When I remember to save (I'm not use to saving - yet) I replace.
While I was engrossed in playing, there was a loud explosion on a TV movie that startled me. I accidentally clicked....and found a goodie cave :) I read the Congratulations and suggestion to came back later when I really need it...I left without finding out whats in there.
Can a goodie cave be visited more than once ? Can I take part of it and come back later for the rest ?Posted 12 years ago #
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