SAM Simulator (v0.923.3 - 172MB or v0.924 Beta-2 - 108MB + 107MB)
The following is a true simulator; and rather a strange game concept, but if you are into simulation games then this will probably fascinate you; for those of you who aren't into sims this will probably bore you silly but I still though it important to include in our free games project..
The sim is still under development and at this time is in Beta version v0.924 Beta-2. The developer has had to take several months off working on updates, but will return to add more scenarios and other updates. There's an interesting article I found while researching this article on Rock, Paper Shotgun which you can read HERE.
Includes accurate representations of history's most famousSAM kills
U-2C Spy plane over Sverdlovsk
.B-52D/G Heavy bombers over Hanoi
F-4E Phantoms over the Sinai
F-117A Stealth bomber over Belgrade
Operation Prairie Fire
Operation El-Dorado Canyon
Systems included in the program:
SA-75M Dvina (SA-2F)
S-75M3 Volhov (SA-2E Guideline)
S-125M1 Neva (SA-3B Goa)
2K11-M1 KRUG-M1 (SA-4B Ganef),
S-200VE Vega-E (SA-5B Gammon)
V-760 15D (Guideline Mod.4) - Nuclear tipped SAM Missile, for the S-75M3 Volhov (SA-2E Guideline) system.
3D AFTER ACTION REPORT -Adding the possibility of exporting a situation into Google Earth
Here's an example of how to use the simulator. I've borrowed this from the reference I posted above at Rock, Paper Shotgun as they had a nice review of the simulation. Oddly when I found this (stumbled upon it via You Tube), the developers site hardly says anything about it. You'll find lot's more indformation in the documentation that can be downloaded separately from the main download.
Scenario Selection:
You'll find lots of information by downloading the seperate documentation download, that you'll find on the same page as the main download. You can get the last two versions of the simulator
i.e. version 0.923.3 as a single download and version 0.924 Beta-2 as two separate downloads. you need both for the simulation to work. Their is also documentation available (v 111217), both available via Mediafire and is available in six languages, (English, Russian, hungarian, Japanese, Slovak and Chinese); though not all languages are available for each of the separate docs for the different missiles. You can check via the download lin hich documentation has which language. :)
0.924 Beta-2
Starting the simulation:
On firing up the sim for the first time you’ll see the above menu. Click the right arrow to select the S-75M3 Volhov / SA-2E system, then tick the ‘Allow non-historical scenarios’, ‘Allow nuclear weapons’ and ‘digital elevation mesh’ boxes. Trying the Mod.4 missile under combat conditions is probably a tad ambitious at this point so we’ll get familiar with the beast at Asuluk, a test range in the Soviet Union (Click ‘Asuluk’).
Scenario Selection
Powering Up
we’re inside the fire control cabin of an SA-2E battery. To breathe life into the apparatus, dab button (1). Once you see six green lights, power up the transmitter (2) and raise the antenna (3)
You can return to this screen at any point by pressing ‘Q’. Button (4) will shut down the sim and take you to a results screen.
Acquiring the target
The battery’s P-18 ‘Spoon Rest’ early-warning radar is used to acquire the target. Push ‘X’ to go to the Spoon Rest screen, then rotate the azimuth line by click-dragging in area (5) until it bisects the target blip (the target is approaching from the E so the line will need to go to roughly 3 o’clock). Now we’re going to slave the Spoon Rest to our ‘Fan Song’ fire-control radar (the radar that will guide the missile onto the target). To do this press button (6).
‘Z’ will take you to the Fan Song panel for the second stage of the acquisition process.
Fan Song panel
Left-click switch (7) thus preparing the Fan Song for elevation tracking, and then very delicately click-drag in area (8) until the vertical boresight line bisects the target blip (if you’re lucky it might not need to be moved). Once in position, right-click in area (8) and, assuming light (9) illuminates, your target’s elevation is now being automatically tracked.
To prepare the Fan Song for azimuth tracking, right-click switch (7) (It should now be centred) and do the boresight centring malarkey in the right panel by click-dragging carefully in area (10). You’ll know if you’ve been successful, because light (11) will illuminate.
Note: Clumsy boresight manipulation at this point in can extinguish light 9. If this happens left-click switch (7) and go back to the left-hand display and repeat the elevation tracking process.
All the Fan Song wants now is range data. Click and drag on the left-hand side of area (12) until the horizontal range line appears and descends onto the target blip. A right-click should now leave you with three green lights (9, 11, & 13) lit at the bottom of the panel.
Prepping the Missile via the Q panel
■warm up our SAM (right-click knob 14)
■switch to ‘live fire’ mode (button 15)
■open the appropriate missile channel (switch 16)
■change missile fuse settings for nuclear launch (right-click knob 17 to extreme-right position)
■switch Fan Song to ‘LORO’ mode. (button 18)
■and – this is optional – activate nerve-shredding launch siren (19)
Fan Song panel -(Z panel)
■Right-click missile guidance knob (20) to extreme-right.
■Align launcher with Fan Song radar by pressing button (21). This will take a few moments.
Got two blue lights showing at (22)? You’re ready to fire (23).
You can see a video of the sim in action HERE and HERE and a video tutorial HERE
More information on this project can be found in the SimHQ forums HERE.
You can download the simulator from Mediafire via the developers home page HERE, though he posted in a link to his forums the following information that is easily missed on his website so i've also posted more direct links as well:
As it turned out, I will not have time in the next (approximate) half year, for my hobby of coding SAM Simulator "Realistic to the Switch"...... so I decided to release a Beta version; v924b.It has no installer (you need to overwrite your current SAMSIM setup (if you already have it installed) , with the files of the two part package), and only available from this forum.It has several fixes & new features (3DAAR, full LBII, OPF, OEDC), and also it has several known bugs. I will not be able to correct your bug-findings in the next 6 month...
You'll find direct links to the two parts needed i.e. v0.924 Beta-2HERE. Don't forget to download the documentation as well.