Hi here's a theory as I don't have these issues. Please do correct me if I'm wrong or someone finds another reason .I suspect it's not a DirectX issue here.
I'm running W7x64(and x86) on more than one machine and the game runs fine for me.(My Malware kicks off as the game emulates keyboard input which I allow).
This shouldn't happen as when you compile anything you should test your files against online and offline AVs before releasing it to the world. I get this with certain AVs and Delphi compiled files even without a recompressor and I know the files are clean as they're mine.
Only the Devs of the game can fix this correctly.
1)Try adding the files to exceptions in your AV then uncompress the game package and run again. If it shows another .dll add it too until it no longer complains. Bewarned most unpack to %temp% so excluding only the path to the programs Directory won't entirely help. Exclude the file(s).
2) Change your AV for a more reliable security system layer as you will see this again if people use virtualization and don't check their files against everything .
Here's the logic (if i'm right) :
Many AV don't like virtual packed programs (depends on packer and files) the error you have is from from files either not being allowed to unpack (virtually) or being quarantined as it unpacks. AVs don't like this behavior especially if any of the files in the package have code that may look like a virus or keylogger in this instance. So your exe runs but errors out not finding it's resources.
Microsoft Security Essentials , Emimsoft Anti-Malware and Malwarebytes don't suffer with as many false positives and Virtual OSes are disposable which is a reliable safe place to test. (Keep your Host to Virtual Network broke until you are sure things are safe)