Cut & Paste
Cut & Paste was a main competition finalist in the IGF China competition. It's an experimental game that utilizes flip book animation. The player must cut and paste the objects on screen to solve the puzzles. Each move the plyer makes completely alters the flow of the game, thus cut & paste is an interactive game that reflects on the users choices.
To get this game you first need to create an account HERE. If you purchased the Indievania bundle several weeks ago you will already have an account. Once you are signed in follow the download link below, which takes you to the games page on Indievania. Just below the video is a button that says Buy Cut & Paste. Click on that button (don't worry the game is totally free). That opens up a small window with your email and a message that says help out the developers. This will give you the oppertunity to donate if you so desire, but you don't need to. The amount is set to $0.00. Click on the Review Order, then on the next window click on the purchase button. The amount should say $0.00 and paying by free order. The download link will then be added to your account and an email sent for you to download the game; though if you are still signed into your account by clicking on profile then where it says Click here to view your S3 file downloads. That takes you to your downloads which you can download as many times as you wish. There is at least one more free game possibly more, which i'll be posting over the next few days.
You can see a video of game play HERE
You can access the game HERE
I would post some images, but picdepict seems to be down at the moment. not been able to access the site for two days.