I would like to know if there is a database program going to be added, or available such as Microsoft's Access added to Kingsoft Office?
Database Program
(6 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Hi, woody 19021, welcome to the forums.
I'm sorry, I don't understand the meaning of your post.
If you want to suggest a new giveaway then please post it in the correct thread:Giveaway Suggestions
Thank you.graylox
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hello woody19021, Kingsoft Office (today's giveaway) has a database component (similar to Microsoft) - you can verify this yourself if you download and use the program.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hi Woody, There are database programs readily availab;le for free if you search Google or another search engine. I posted a thread last week HERE that lists hundreds of decent freeware apps and I'm sure there were database programs included?
You can also find free database programs HERE, HERE and HERE.
The last link is four years old, showever some of the programs suggested will have been updated.
I do have a whole bunch of free databases stored on one of my external HDD's, but at the moment I'm unable to remember which of the discs it's on. What precious time I have awake is taken up fully with several projects and family at the moment. When I do find them, I'll list the programs here.
I'm sure there are some threads in this forum that deal with your question, unfortunately they aren't always tagged, so it can be hard to find them using the search function.
Posted 13 years ago # -
OOPS! I got confused and meant to say it has spreadsheet function, which is not same as database function - sorry about that.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Here are some more links for Databases courtesy of Chazzo, who emailed them to me. (He is no longer able to post in the forums):
http://www.hsinlin.com/software/database.html (several very good offerings on this link!)
Posted 13 years ago #
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