There's another free game on Steam (apart from the one GooGoo posted earlier today called Serena). This second game is more a tech demo, but is a stand alone and worth the download; especially if you are into anything space oriented. The game is called Star Swarm. Which you can find HERE. You can see video of the game/tech demo HERE and HERE
Star Swarm:
Star Swarm is a real-time demo of Oxide Games’ Nitrous engine, which pits two AI-controlled fleets against each other in a furious space battle. Originally conceived as an internal stress test, Oxide decided to release Star Swarm so that the public can share our vision of what we think the future of gaming can be. The simulation in Star Swarm shows off Nitrous’ ability to have thousands of individual units onscreen at once, each running their own physics, AI, pathfinding, and threat assessments.
The Nitrous engine is already in use for three games currently in production: an unannounced title from Oxide Games, Stardock’s Star Control reboot, and Mohawk Games’ upcoming game codenamed Mars. Nitrous is also available for licensing to interested game developers.
You’ve got to see it to believe it. Download Star Swarm for free now to see what your gaming PC can do with the next-generation Nitrous engine.
Key Features:
1) ... Up to 10,000+ units onscreen at once – Imagine what kind of games can be made when developers can count on simulating battles and scenes at this scale
2) ... First look at AMD’s Mantle technology – See the performance benefits of AMD’s new API layer for yourself if you have compatible (Graphics Core Next-based) hardware
3) ... Benchmark mode generates performance information – Since Star Swarm is a dynamic simulation rather than a canned demo, run it several times to see what Nitrous’ real-world gaming performance is on your machine
4) ... Film-style rendering – Nitrous uses Object Space Lighting, which renders objects onscreen using the same techniques used by the film industry, including real-time film quality motion blur, on your PC