On BitsDuJour is a promotion for Zentimo - hurry up, it's less than 5 hours left EXPIRED.
Manage Your External Storage Devices
Have you ever lost data because your external drive didn't disconnect properly? Ever found yourself staring at a flash drive that won't stop blinking, frozen because you aren't sure whether it's safe to remove it? Thanks to Zentimo, you'll be able to control your external drives better than ever before!Zentimo is a powerful external drive manager that lets you get a better handle on your flash drives, portable drives, card readers and other external devices. You can use Zentimo to properly stop any external device, display locked up processes, or even restart a frozen drive!
With Zentimo, you can manage drive letters to ensure a consistent experience every time! Hide drive letters for unused card reader slots, or guarantee that the same drive letter is mapped to a specific device every time!
Data security becomes an easy, automated thing with Zentimo! Powerful autorun scripts give you the power to check for viruses as soon as a device is plugged in, or launch file manager! Got some portable apps on your drive? Configure Zentimo to let you launch any app off of your portable drive with a single click!
Zentimo feature list
Text: http://http://www.bitsdujour.com/software/zentimo/
Screenshots: http://zentimo.com/screenshots.htm
Highly recommended!
See also: