The following fix was posted by ricethief in the gamegiveaway comments section near the end of the game giveaway, so no one probably saw it. It is for the letter fault that many users found with 4 Elements that stops you being able to use the letters E and D in your profile.
For people having issues with the “E” or other keys causing issues, go to the folder…Playrix Entertainment–>4 Elements–>Base right click on KeyMap file and select edit. You will see 9 different key settings. change the number or letter in the “” to another key you do not use. I set mine for the misc keys like +,, etc. Select save, you will have to have admin priv to the “base” folder. As with anything when messing with files make a backup of the file before you mess with it. Also you can just delete the KeyMap file, but it will throw up a error box when it starts. You can just click through the error box into the game. Hope this makes sense for the people having issues. I have no explanation why some of of have issues with the KeyMap file and others dont.
By Ricethief comment #147,