My count may not be accurate but according to my figures they have hit the 1000 game mark.
They may, like Jenkat, remove games but that's not easy to tell as it is with Jenkat. Jenkat numbers them.
They don't seem to do as Jenkat has done for a year and now FreeGamePick is doing -- changing the dates of games to make them "look" newer than they are to give the appearance of new games added. With Jenkat, it's kind of stupid since there is the count and if it doesn't change, it's just a redating trick!
Yes MyPlayCity has it's annoyances. You do have to carefully uncheck the hijacking of search engines and home pages and maybe on some systems you cannot uncheck them. I've seen that where one person was forced to accept the hijacking if she used Firefox but not if she used Internet Explorer.
Yes, you currently don't have a choice as to where MyPlayCity puts the game unless you watch for the "full" installation executable (what you initially download is just a stub. Yes it does open your browser at the end of the game. Both of these actions are circumventable. You can either MOVE the game (and then fix the uninstall pointer in the registry) or uninstall/re-install using that larger file where you do have a choice. There are ways to avoid that browser opening but I will not post how to do that -- they might change it and make it much more difficult.
What is really amazing about MyPlayCity is all the times they have changed their install procedure, they seem to change it for ALL the games -- not just the the new ones but also the ones that have been around for years. I have verified that the past few days getting a few games that I know have been available for years and yet had the newest download procedure.
Really, whether you like them or hate them - they do have a service of many (now 1000) games that are available for free with no adware and maybe only that browser opening at the end. Let's give them credit for that. They even have some games still available that the developer has abandoned (such as the original Treasures of Montezuma).
Good job!