Loop Raccord (70.5Mb)
Can you piece together 12 video clips to produce one continuous series of movements? You can start and stop individual clips, and advance or rewind each clip one frame at a time, in your quest to get them all to ‘gel’ together smoothly. It’s an unusual game produced for an experimental ‘never-ending’ game competition and the only video-editing game I can recall.
The game starts off with three video clips on the viewing pane and as you advance through the levels eventually has twelve clips to smoothly merge together. The order you play the clips in has a limited number of possibilities with three clips, though you still have to find the ‘merge’ points. Once there are twelve clips showing in the pane, it’s going to be a huge challenge to sort them into any meaningful order and then find which frame to start them from and finish them on to link them together. There's the added complication of controlling how fast each clip runs.
You can restart at any time, and reset all of the clips to the beginning, to try again. There’s an aspect of speculating what the game’s author was thinking in trying to piece the clips together and it’s the game’s decision as to what is accepted as the ‘correct’ sequence. The game decides which clips you can ‘edit’ which partly forces your hand. If a clip’s movement moves off to the right for instance, you’ll need to catch some movement or other starting to the left on the next clip. You are rewarded with a suitable message and a point score, if successful, and then presented with the next level.
You have to set the speed and loop points for each video clip to try to get the smoothest movement between clips. The left mouse button stops/starts the selected clip and the right button reverses the clip's direction of play. The mouse wheel advances or reverses the clip one frame at a time. The menu and in-game help are in English, and 'Alt' + 'F4' exits the game.
Video is normally used as cutscenes or as interactive video in games, here, you very cleverly actually control each video clip as the game element itself.
It’s an extraordinary concept, synchronizing video clips, but makes for a very compelling and highly addictive game!
Additional Review HERE
Download (from home page) HERE ---- (found under the videos, the game’s home page is in Spanish (with some French))
Alternative Download HERE