Here’s an excellent RPG that I promised I’d post some weeks ago. At the time I didn’t realize that the developer had already released the second game in the series, so you’ll now have two great RPG games to download. Both have level editors so you can make a virtually unlimited number of levels, that will only be restricted by your own imagination. :)
Dark Disciples 1: (5.26Mb)
If you are looking for a freeware game with copious statistics and an intricate, multifaceted, combat engine you won't find it here. Instead, I focused my energies on having lots of non-combat challenges to solve and interesting things to do within the game world. Dark Disciples therefore attempts to differentiate itself by being a more puzzle orientated RPG and therefore filling a precieved gap in the RPG 'market'.
You will find details of cheats, walkthroughs a hint file and Easter Eggs HERE
All the maps in Dark Disciples were built with a level editor which is contained within the game itself. To access the editor, press CONTROL U key simultaneously on the main menu.
WARNING: Levels WILL crash or become impossible to complete is they are edited incorrectly. In other words, if you want to fool around with the editor, back up the levels folder first!
You can download Dark Disciples 1 HERE